5 Reasons to Enrol in DBS Update

January is the time to be thinking about new starts. Changing the way we’ve done things in the past in an attempt to improve. Often, the little things make the most difference. That’s certainly the case when it comes to DBS Update. Why not make 2019 the year you stop applying for endless different DBS checks for every job, and make things easier for everyone?

1. DBS Update is Quicker

DBS Update is an online system. Once you’ve registered with the scheme, you get instant access to your DBS records. So when you apply for a new job or take on another voluntary position, your employer can log into your record and check your information. No waiting around for weeks for checks to be done and certificates to be sent out in the post.

2. It Save You Money

Every time you apply for a DBS check, it costs money. The only group which doesn’t have to pay for DBS checks are volunteers. Sometimes, employers are happy to foot the bill for running checks. They might however ask you to pay for your check and reimburse you after your first pay packet. Others will just expect you to pay the full price. An annual subscription to the Update service is much cheaper than another check.

3. It’s Less Hassle

It’s also certainly a lot less hassle to just log onto your online account and get instant access to your DBS information. It means less form filling, and less digging out identity documents to prove who you are and where you live. It’s not always time consuming, but if you’re applying for a new DBS check several times a year, it can get really repetitive.

4. It’s Always Up to Date

The problem with a standard DBS check is that any new information won’t be added to your certificate after it is printed. It’s entirely possible that someone could commit a serious crime while their certificate is being printed, and their employer would never know. The Update database is a live system. If new information comes to light about someone who is is registered, that will be added to their file automatically.

5. Unlimited Access

There’s no limit to the number of times you can log into the database and check your DBS records. You’ll be notified each time someone else logs into your record too. This is a good way of keeping tabs on whether new employers are checking your records promptly. Just keep paying the annual subscription fee and you’ll stay a member of the update service for as long as you need to.

Joining DBS Update

Joining the scheme is easy. Just tick the appropriate box on the form when you apply for your initial DBS check. If you’ve already received your certificate, then you have a short time to join the scheme after it arrives. Pay the subscription fee online. Set yourself a reminder to renew your subscription after a year to make sure your membership continues for as long as you need it.